Media: RFI, 01-11-07 Calendar Topics Print

Celebrities' solidairity with homeless in Paris

Demonstration for homeless people

Door Jan van der Made

Homeless people or "SDF" (Sans Domicile Fixe - Without Regular Housing) are part of any big city, including Paris. Who doesn't know the proverbial clochard? But in Paris, housing prices are prohibitive, forcing many on the streets - including the young; in total some three million people in France as a whole can't pay for a decent home. On the first of November, at the Rue de la Banque in the 2nd arrondissement in Paris, hundreds of homeless people demonstrate and they are supported by NGO's and some of France's famous. Meet Benoit Bureau of the NGO Droit au Logement, homeless Cisi from Guinea, movie star Emmanuelle BĂ©art and actress Josiane Balasko who came to the protest to show their support.